Meet Pinky.
Pinky started life as a bright orange German Telecom van. A local businessman bought ten of them and converted them into ice cream vans, for many years she sold ice cream in a little German village.
Apparently there’s only three vans left and Pinky was the only one to come to the UK. She went to Wales and lived a pretty quiet life then moved to sunny Brighton for a year where she was finally sprayed Pink. She was then bought by Geoff and Cathy who had her for six years working for a Family Support Charity in Bradford where she raised some much appreciated money.
Jo bought her last year and spent some time transforming her into the little beauty she is today (although she was very cute already) along with a little help from friend Gordon who resprayed her, and Luke at Digital Revolution who designed the graphics. Not forgetting Jo’s partner Dave who actually did most of the hard work himself - “Thanks Hun!”
Finding this information out has been a little like Chinese whispers - so take it with a pinch of salt, it’s a lovely story though.